Monday, July 16, 2007

Fire meeting, July 17

Building an Angora Alliance Recovery Team
Hear from those who have walked this path before us.

The Lake Tahoe South Shore Chamber of Commerce (LTSSCC) has invited a panel of disaster survivors to present their experiences to the South Shore Community. “This is an opportunity for community members and survivors to hear tactics and techniques that have helped other communities in their recovery process after a major natural catastrophe such as the Angora Fire” says Chamber CEO “B” Gorman. “Southern California has experienced multiple fire storms and mud slides and from those disasters a coalition has formed called Community Partners. This organization makes itself available to provide valuable ideas and guidance based upon the experiences of its dedicated volunteers. Paul Vandeventer of Community Partners will be joined by Dave Stuart who now heads Rebuilding Mountain Hearts & Lives, an organization formed after the devastating fire that consumed over 90,000 acres and 400 homes in the Lake Arrowhead region. Also scheduled to appear on the panel will be George Kehrer who lost his home in the 1992 Oakland Hills fire. George was a contractor and attorney who now devotes his time to helping individuals work through recovery challenges via his non-profit group CARe, Inc. Author Amy Bach, The Disaster Recovery Handbook & Household Inventory Guide and Ursula Hyman of the Eaton Canyon Recovery Alliance will also be present to assist us with their expertise. The evening is intended for those who were directly impacted by the fire and perhaps even more importantly for those who wish to aid in the recovery process. Thus far there are many groups and individuals working independently to provide aid and comfort. This evening could mark the birth of a coordinated effort which ultimately would speed up the recovery process and help to keep the survivors here in the community” concludes Gorman.

WHEN: Tuesday, July 17, 2007
WHERE: Lake Tahoe High School, Gold Gym
TIME: 6:00pm to 8:00pm

Those wishing to make a monetary contribution to assist fire survivors should go to or mail checks to the Angora Fire Fund @ PO Box 17640, South Lake Tahoe, CA. 96151

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