Monday, July 23, 2007

USFS fuels reduction meetings


South Lake Tahoe CA. The USDA Forest Service Lake Tahoe Basin
Management Unit (LTBMU) as lead agency, is hosting two public meetings for the Lake Tahoe Basin Multi-Jurisdictional Fuel Reduction and Wildfire Prevention Strategy 10 Year Plan. If you are interested in attending, the meetings will be held August 1st and 2nd. On August 1st the meeting will be at the NORTH TAHOE CONFERENCE CENTER, located at North Lake Blvd. Kings Beach,
CA. from 6-8 pm. On August 2nd the meeting will be at LAKE TAHOE COMMUNITY COLLEGE in the Aspen Room from 6-8 pm.

The purpose of the meetings is to present the planning effort and to solicit feedback on the draft plan prior to final public release. There will be a 30 minute presentation giving an overview of the plan and after the presentation an opportunity to take questions.

This strategic Comprehensive Fuels Plan for the Lake Tahoe Basin
incorporates approximately 208,800 acres. The plan was developed to comply with the White Pine County Conservation, Recreation, And
Development Act Of 2006; Public Law 109-432 (H.R.6111).

The plan facilitates the strategic decisions that must be made by land management, fire, and regulatory agencies to reduce the probability of a catastrophic fire in the Basin. It comprehensively combines all existing fuel treatment plans that have been developed within the basin and provides a communication framework for participating agencies to identify priority areas and to work collaboratively on accomplishing those priorities.
In addition, it builds upon current and past fuel reduction projects that have already occurred on nearly 13,000 acres and the efforts of community based fire departments and fire safe councils that are actively treating fuels around residences.

For additional information regarding these meetings please contact
Duncan Leao at 530-543-2660.

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